Everyone knows that a vegetable is a specific type of food. It’s something green and leafy, like kale or spinach. But what is a vegetable really? What you might not know is that some vegetables aren’t actually vegetables. And these foods are classified as something else instead. Wondering what they are? Here are 8 common ‘vegetables’ that aren’t actually veggies but are something else instead.

First up is zucchini. It’s a vegetable that’s often used in Italian dishes, such as lasagna and pasta casserole. It can also be included in other dishes, such as stir fries and is also eaten as a side dish in many cultures. But it’s not actually a vegetable. It’s a fruit.
So why is it listed as a vegetable in all the recipes? This is because botanically speaking, a fruit is any fleshy or pulpy product that grows on a plant. A vegetable is any edible part of a plant that isn’t a fruit, such as leaves and stalks. Why did zucchini get a mislabeled?

Zucchini is described as a vegetable because it’s typically eaten as part of a meal and is used like a vegetable in cooking. While it is a fruit and grows on a plant like any other fruit, it’s used like a vegetable in cooking. So it got put in the vegetable category.
Next up is squash, which is one of the most common vegetables in the U.S. Squash is very versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, and it’s a popular vegetable to grow in gardens.
Squash is normally eaten as a side dish, and it comes in many different varieties and colors. Some of the most commonly eaten squash varieties are butternut squash, zucchini, spaghetti squash, and acorn squash.

Squash is a vegetable, but it isn’t a type of squash. It’s actually a type of fruit that grows on a plant called a vine. Squash has seeds, which means it’s a fruit. It also doesn’t have a bud or a flower (which is what vegetables have), so it doesn’t grow from a root or a bulb.
Corn is a very common vegetable that’s used in many different dishes and is also one of the most popular crops in the world. It’s used in everything from breakfast foods, like cornflakes, to dinner side dishes and even drinks.

Why is corn listed as a vegetable but not a type of corn? It’s once again because it’s used like a vegetable, so it got put in the vegetable category. You also can’t really classify different types of corn as a different vegetable, since there are so many different types of corn.
Corn is a type of vegetable because it grows above ground and is used as a vegetable. It’s also a type of seed, since it has seeds inside it.
Beans are a very common vegetable that’s usually eaten as part of a Mexican or Indian dish. It’s also used in many soups and other side dishes. Why are beans listed as a type of vegetable?

Beans are listed as a vegetable because they are used in the same way as other types of vegetables. They’re also used as a side dish and are grown as a vegetable.
However, they aren’t just any type of vegetable. They’re a specific type of vegetable called pulses. Pulses are a group of vegetables that includes beans, lentils, and dried peas. They’re different from other vegetables because they have a high amount of fiber.
Eggplants are often used in Asian and Mediterranean dishes, such as lasagna and Indian curries. They’re also often used as a substitute for meat because they have a very similar texture when cooked. Why is eggplant a vegetable but not a type of eggplant?

Eggplants are a type of vegetable but aren’t a specific eggplant variety. They’re also a nightshade plant, which is a large family of plants that includes potatoes and tomatoes. Eggplants are usually listed as a vegetable because they’re grown like other vegetables. They also look like a vegetable, so it’s easy to mistake them for one.
Tofu is a very common vegetarian dish that’s used in many Asian and Mediterranean dishes. It’s often used as a meat substitute because it has a similar texture when cooked, and it’s also very healthy. Why is tofu listed as a vegetable but not a type of tofu?

Tofu is a vegetarian dish that’s used in the same way as many other vegetables. It’s also grown like a vegetable, so it got put in the vegetable category. Tofu is listed as a vegetable because it has vegetable protein in it, and it’s often used as a vegetarian dish like other vegetables. It’s also made from soybeans, which are a vegetable.
Soybeans are another common vegetarian dish that’s used in many Asian dishes. It’s often used as a substitute for meat because it has a very similar texture when cooked. Why is soybeans listed as a vegetable but not a type of soybean?

Soybeans are listed as a vegetable because they’re used like other vegetables. They’re also used like other types of beans, which are also a type of vegetable. Soybeans are a type of bean, and they’re also a type of vegetable.
They’re a vegetable because they have seeds, which are inside the beans. Soybeans also have stems, leaves, and roots, which means they’re a type of plant.
Rhubarb is a very common vegetable that’s used in many different desserts and is also a common vegetable in gardens. It’s one of the most popular vegetable plants in the world, and it’s used in many different pies and tarts.
Why is rhubarb listed as a vegetable but not a type of rhubarb? Rhubarb is a type of vegetable because it’s grown like a vegetable.

It has a root, stalk, and leaves, which are the three main parts of a vegetable. It also got put in the vegetable category because it’s used in the same way as other types of vegetables. It’s also a type of plant, which means it’s a vegetable. Although it’s listed as a vegetable, it can also be used as a medicinal herb. Tastes great in Juices as well!
Final Thoughts
The next time you look at a vegetable label, you might find yourself wondering, “What is a vegetable?” Are cucumbers, peppers, squash, and peas vegetables?
Well, technically, yes, they are all vegetables. Are beans, corn, and soybeans vegetables? Technically, yes, they are all vegetables. But as you know, there are many different types of vegetables, and some of them are more controversial than others.
To help you understand what the term “vegetable” means, we’ve compiled a list of 8 common vegetables that, while they may look like a type of vegetable, they are actually not.
You see, there are 5 types of vegetables: root vegetables, stem vegetables, leaf vegetables, flowers and bulb vegetables. And each one is grown differently. Here’s how these vegetables are grown.
Root vegetables usually consist of potatoes, carrots, celery, and beets.
Stem vegetables consist of onions and shallots.
Leaf vegetables consist of spinach and chard,
Bulb vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.
So, in essence, you can think of these types of vegetables as being grown in a specific way, which will most likely result in maximum nutritional potency and flavor.