Hemorrhoid Relief: Tips to Managing Painful Symptoms and Preventing Flare-Ups

Suffering from hemorrhoids is painful and embarrassing. Learn how to manage the condition and relieve symptoms by following these helpful tips.

Hemorrhoids can be a painful and embarrassing condition to suffer with. They can occur in anyone and sometimes for no reason at all. They can often be managed with proper care and topical medication. This article can help you to relieve the problems encountered by patients who suffer with hemorrhoids.

When you are afflicted with hemorrhoid woes, you should avoid straining when you try to defecate. Straining to push a stool out places lots of pressure on the veins and tissues in the area; this is terrible for hemorrhoids. You should do your best to let bowel movements come naturally when you have hemorrhoid problems.

One of the key tips to helping with your hemorrhoid problem is to drink lots and lots of water. Doctors suggest that you drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. This helps by keeping your body hydrated and works to make your stool softer for easy passage. Without water in your diet, your stool becomes hard and will hurt when passing.

Consume foods high in vitamin A to prevent and help heal hemorrhoids. Vitamin A heals and protects mucous membranes and helps to repair body tissues. Orange vegetables such as yams and carrots are very high in vitamin A. If you do not like to eat vegetables, try a carrot juice or vitamin supplements.

Stool softeners can be very beneficial to you if you have hemorrhoids to help reduce irritation when you go to the bathroom. Controlling your symptoms when you have them is just as important as preventing them in the first place. Purchase a stool softener to help get through your day without tenderness.

A great way to keep your hemorrhoid problems at bay is to eat foods that are high in fiber. This helps by softening your stool and making it pass easier. Along with the fiber, eat lots of fruits like grapes, watermelon, and papaya, as well as vegetables which are high in fiber like okra and cabbage.

Eating a lot of fiber will not necessarily help a hemorrhoid to disappear, but it will help the swelling dissipate. This is because regular and fluid (not “liquid” in this context, but rather “easy”) bowel movements will not further damage the veins and this will prevent flare-ups or even additional hemorrhoids.

Ice packs can provide great relief for your hemorrhoids. Apply the ice packs directly to the effected area for a soothing, and cooling feeling. Water that is frozen in an ice pop mold works really well when applied to the anal cavity. Application can be made four or five times a day, for up to fifteen minutes at a time.

To stay as healthy as possible and limit the symptoms of hemorrhoids, make sure that you maintain a proper diet. This means that you should reduce the foods that have high cholesterol and fat content to improve the way that you feel. Eat well-balanced meals that are rich in protein for optimal results.

As has been noted, hemorrhoids can be very painful and also embarrassing. They make people suffer in many ways, both physical and emotional. They can be treated and sometimes prevented with proper care. By studying the information in this article and implementing the advice you can hope to see a change in your condition.